MMC for Health and Social Development to spend Mandela Day with the elderly
2023 marks the 10th anniversary of Tata Nelson Mandela’s passing in December 2013. To commemorate this, the Nelson Mandela Foundation has themed the 10-Year Remembrance call to action “The Legacy Lives on Through You.”
To honour the memory of the late inaugural democratic president of South Africa, Tata Nelson Mandela, the City of Johannesburg’s Member of the Mayoral Committee (MMC) for Health and Social Development, Cllr Ennie Makhafola, will be undertaking a range of community outreach programmes this Mandela Day.
The MMC’s Mandela Day activities will entail a stopover at the Jeppe Clinic where she will distribute blankets, and take part in a blood donation drive. Furthermore, the MMC will deliver laptops to the professional nurses at the clinic and lead a cleaning campaign to promote environmental health and discourage littering around health facilities.
In the afternoon, the MMC will move to the Donovan McDonald Old Age Home in Florida where she will spend the afternoon with the elderly creating a vegetable garden and distributing grocery items in appreciation of the contribution of the elderly to our communities.
Distribution of Blankets, Blood Donation Drive, Delivery of Laptops to Professional Nurses & Clean-up Campaign
Date: Tuesday, 18 July 2023
Time: 11h00
Venue: Jeppe Clinic, Jhb Inner City – Region F
Distribution of Groceries to the Elderly
Date: Tuesday, 18 July 2023
Time: 14h00
Venue: Donovan McDonald Old Age Home, Florida – Region C