Castle Lite takes the extra CCCCold to 5FM studios

Castle Lite, always delivering the COOL, we think so?

South Africa’s favourite extra cold beer celebrated its 3rd year anniversary of the 1st ever 410ML CAN 10th of 4th month 2024 – and it was CCCCOOOL.

In the spirit of celebration and extra cold credentials the brand set up an EXTRA COLD interview battleground with an ice twist, whilst getting to know 2 of SA’s fav personalities submerged in freezing ice baths – watching them navigate the 5fm interview inside sub-zero was definitely entertaining. Senzo Radebe award winning actor and Priddy Ugly SA leading rapper and muso both lasted a total of 11:55.04.

The content was shared across many social media platforms, and South Africans LOVED the extra CONTENT. The brand managed to Trend at a 1 position for over 3.5hrs and within the top 10 for over 18hrs (15h00 10/04 until 10h00 on the 11/04), generated over 10,000 tweets across both hashtags on X South Africa and achieved 65 mill impressions on Twitter in 18hrs. 5fm hosted the live in studio as well as shared the stream on their platform. Audiences loved the content both from audio and visual perspective.

5FM DJ Nick Hamman, started the ICE Bath interviews, all the while challenging the personalities to see who can withstand the interview questions whilst remaining cool throughout.

“It was so much fun watching the enthusiasm and camaraderie in studio yesterday, the audience’s participation, the whattapp call line, Senzo and Priddy Ugly held up their end of the bargain ! plunging into an ice bath for 11.55 mins certainly sends an ice shiver down your spine , it was Such a fun idea by an Extra Lite brand to get the news about our limited edition Extra CCCCold Cooler Box out there. We are grateful to 5FM, Senzo & Priddy Ugly for the refreshing partnership,” commented Colleen Duvenage, Brand Director at Castle Lite.

Why an ice bath? The benefits are x. An ice bath can increase alertness and boost your mood and gets you fresher instantaneously just ask our contestants.


The Extra CCCCold 410 ml Cooler Box, has revolutionised the ice cold serve by keeping 10x 410ml cans of Castle Lite at the perfect temperature for up to 12hrs. Perfect for a braai, picnic, road trip or beach day, this convenient portable refrigeration unit is ideal for indoor or outdoor events, all you need to do, much like an ice bath, is just add ice and enjoy the benefits.

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