JDA completes Rea Vaya BRT Alexandra bus depot access road
This Transport Month, the Johannesburg Development Agency (JDA) has completed yet another infrastructure for the Rea Vaya Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System Phase 1C trunk route operation.
The Rea Vaya BRT Alexandra Bus Depot Access Road, located in Alexandra, Johannesburg, has reached practical completion. The depot will be an additional component for Phase 1C operations from Sandton to Alexandra, along Rivonia Road and Katherine Drive, and the trunk route from Parktown to Alexandra, along Louis Botha Avenue.
The primary objective of the Rea Vaya Phase 1C trunk route is to transport an average of just over 57,000 passengers a day. The depot houses 30 buses and will serve as a transportation hub for the community and enhance the public transport infrastructure in the Louis Botha Corridor.
The JDA is the infrastructure arm of the City of Johannesburg and had initially completed depot. The agency was subsequently appointed by the City’s Transport Department to design, review and implementation access road into the depot, which lies on Vincent Tshabalala Road in Region E, Ward 81.
The project entailed upgrading the depot entrance to surface standards and rehabilitating access road-associated stormwater infrastructure for the Alexandra access depot.
Construction works also included a portion of Grenville Road, and Brighton Road which will serve as an access road. Stormwater associated infrastructure were also extended and tied in with the existing system and the existing drainage inlet structures.
The scope of works for the project consisted of, but not limited to:
• Clearing and grubbing
• Cut to spoil of existing pavement layers
• Construction of a new stabilised subbase layer
• Construction of a new base
• 45mm asphalt surfacing on the full length of road
• The barricading of the works includes all traffic signs and required protective measures.
• Trench excavations for drains, stormwater pipes and associated structures.
• Laying and bedding of concrete pipes
• Backfilling of trenches and restoration of ground surfaces on completion
• Construction of inlet, outlet, junction and manhole structures with concrete, precast concrete and / or brick walls.
• The laying of precast kerbing, edge restraint
• Construction of road signs and markings
• Construction of new sidewalks
One of the key objectives of the JDA was to undertake infrastructure project using labour-intensive approaches to provide cost-effective short-term employment opportunities to unskilled, semi-skilled workers.
Local emerging sub-contractors were appointed for the execution of the portions of the works in the Rea Vaya BRT Alexandra Bus Depot Access Road infrastructure project. The JDA exceeded its overall target 30% SMME expenditure target for this project, reaching an SMME expenditure of 36%.
The project offered opportunities to the local emerging sub-contractors in Alex by appointment of SMMEs to execute the portion of works in the Rea Vaya BRT Alexandra Bus Depot Access Road infrastructure. The JDA exceeded its overall target of 30% SMME expenditure target for this project, reaching an SMME expenditure of 36%.
A total of five SMMEs were employed to an appointment value of R4 940 449.98 and trained through the project, and a total of 17 EPWP opportunities were created.